Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thoughts of Spring and a recovering economy

It has been a great week for us here in West Michigan. Our family from Long Island was up here to spend the week with us. It looks like it is finally spring time and maybe for the economy as well. The Wall Street Journal was actually somewhat optimistic about the economy. On the downside it looks like our Electrical Grid has been hacked and it will take a lot of work to fix that.

That brings me to the point of Information Security. It has been statistically shown that most of the damage done to organizations has been done by people working for, or who have worked for an organization. The Electrical Grid issue shows us the importance of good Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention systems. It is a good time for all enterprises to take a second look at their network and computer security.

With the economy apparently starting to recover this is a great time for business’s to review their Information Technology needs and work with consultants such as Ada Business Technology to uncover how Information Technology can provide them the competitive edge whether it’s a new ERP system, Customer Relationship Management System or integrating manufacturing process with back end systems to gain better control of the manufacturing process and optimize production.

I hope everyone enjoys the warmer weather and the less gruesome financial news….Mark

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