Monday, July 11, 2011

Tomorrow's No Today’s Virtual Enterprise

In order to compete in today’s international market we must be smarter then our competition. We must have a special source that our competitors don’t have. To do this we need to concentrate on our core business while maintaining excellence in support services. To do this the most effective companies will have to outsource roles that were typically done with inside staff. In addition to gaining the technical expertise of the business partners there are other benefits such as reducing the foot print and saving the associated benefits.

I was speaking to a close family member recently. We were talking about the benefits of IT Virtualization. I learned that his company has recently virtualized their sales department reducing their overhead while increasing sales due to the expertise of their new business partner.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Keep It Simple Factor for Business Success

I have not blogged for some time. I am looking forward to writing short blogs that deal with a topic of interest (at least I hope so), based on my years of experience as a Information Technology Architect and Manager.

Having worked for my own consulting organization, small, mid sized and international conglomerates and have seen a consistent formula for success.

The formula for success is very simple. Develop a product or service that improves the bottom line of your customers; treat your customers honestly and fairly. Treat your employees as the most vital asset of your success and you will succeed. Those companies that stick to this premise have succeeded throughout the years.

Early in my professional career I worked for a division of General Electric. Prior to submitting a proposal to a customer we where asked a key question, will this project jeopardize the name of GE. I have never forgotten that question. People are treated as the most vital asset of the organization and the company can depend on them and they intern can depend on the company.