Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nostalgia in West Michigan and “CIO As A Service”

My wife and I were recently invited to a get together at a friend’s house in West Michigan for a reunion with people I had worked with for over 10 years. Our friends live in a converted farm house originally built in the 1890s. At the reunion, there were people from Tennessee, Georgia, New York, and Michigan. It was great to see old friends and catch up with the latest news. We discussed how business has changed over the past twenty years and how people have had to adapt.

Today we are in an economy that is re-inventing itself. Businesses need to adapt to survive in this global economy. Rules of business that were valid 5 years ago can no longer be relied on since we must deal with competitors and customers around the world and communicate with them instantaneously over the Internet. Many companies today are subject to legislative requirements such as SOX, HIPAA, and GLBA. Additionally, those companies doing business with Europe may be subject to new regulations such as the European Safe Harbor Act.

My IT consulting firm, Ada Business Technology has developed a consulting service that I call “CIO As A Service” to provide Information System Executive “C” Level support to customers who need either an interim CIO or Executive level support on a part time basis. This support includes:

  • Strategic and Tactical IT Planning
  • Independent review of IT Resources (Hardware, Software, Network, and Staffing)
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning
  • IT Governance to assure Best Practices, Security, and Compliance
I have over 20 years of experience as a successful IT Systems Executive and Technologist. Please contact me at (616) 805-7402 or on my mobile phone at (631) 742.5178. Email Mark at and visit my web site at