Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Snow Train and Security

Last weekend we traveled north to take a ride on the Sault Ste. Marie Snow Train. It was a wonderful 9 hour trip from the town to a site 114 miles north of the town. We passed through snow covered terrain with beautiful white lakes and mountains. We were so far from civilization that after mile 30 there was no cell phone service.

Crossing the border to Canada we were briefly stopped and asked a few casual questions. Going back into the U.S. we underwent a brief but much more comprehensive screening. I was pleased to see that the security procedure included the basic tenants of a good security plan including, people, process and technology.

This was indeed a week of security. I attended a presentation at the Grand Rapids AimWest technology organization given by the acting CIO of the State of Michigan, The speaker spoke about the impact of Integrity Theft. This was clearly an issue that affects anyone that uses a computer and as the speaker stated, may impact the work place more then Identify Theft.

The next security presentation on the agenda was back in one of my favorite areas the IBM mid range server community. At the West Michigan Systems User’s Group a presentation on securing the IBM i (aka. iSeries, AS400) was given. The speaker covered the basics of locking down the mid range server and basic forensics.

Information Security is not only an IT issue it is an issue that everyone must be cognizant of. All of the speakers had similar messages. Only a few years ago the hacker was someone who wanted to show their technical expertise. Today it is individuals that want to illegally profit off of others. We all must do our part to protect our data and the information of our organizations we work fo