Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thinking of enterprise security while it snows in Ada

Throughout most of the month of February there has been little snow; however, today that has changed. As I am writing this entry into the blog I am watching the snow cover the beautiful pond outside.

Yesterday I attended my first ISSA meeting in Grand Rapids. The guest speaker was discussing the security challenges that face us with in the virtual machine and network world. The greatest fear is from malicious attacks we may face from unknown threats. I was extremely impressed by the members attending the presentation. These are security experts but everyone seemed to be realistic in their approaches.

Each organization must decide for itself what threat avoidance and detection steps (such as software, appliances etc) they must take to reasonable defend their organizations. I believe that the major enterprises (both business and governmental) are taking reasonable steps. My concern is with the small to mid sized organization (under 500 employees). These organizations may need an independent evaluation by someone who has both the technical and managerial skills to make the right decisions.